Beautiful Arrangement
Sunny Arrangement
Floral White
Hummingbird Tree
Tribal IV
Tree of Joy
Autumn Flowers
Holiday Scene
By the Roadside
Empress Dance
Ghanaian Symbol
Domiabra Village
Mother Sun
Obaa Sima
Go Fish
Mr. Trumpeter
Gentle Melody
Baby, Don't Cry
Three Sisters
Dancing Bird I
Festive Elephant
Abaa Ye Ni II
Leaping Bambara
Colonial Charm
Women's Conversation
Cuzco Meadow
Floral Medallions
Virgin of the Miraculous Medal
Saint Michael Archangel
White Colonial Wreath
Red Birds in Eden
Swallows in the Night
Sweet Virgin Mary
Rainbow Alphabet
World of Nature
Party of Masks
Working Together II
Family Reunion
Elephant Kingdom
Machete of Love and Justice
Señor Sol
Festival of the Corn
He Who Makes Things Sprout
Hummingbirds and Flowers
Flaunting Peacock
Sunset Peacock
Black Fish
Passionate Owl
Friends of Summer
Singing Trio
African Circle
Vibrant Plumage
Brewed in an African Kitchen
Potter's Pride
Kpanlogo Dance
Mother of Three
Sun Dancers
Blossoming Eclipse
Opposites Attract
Mermaid Magic
Our Lady of the Roses
Our Lady of Tepeyac
Oneiric Flight
Mysterious Laughter
Winged Fantasy
Flaming Moon
Multicolor Butterfly
Garden of Eden
Lionfish Merman
New Chakra
Celestial Gods
Kecak Janger Dancers
Amorous Geese
Swan Glory
Feminine Beauty
Cool Chick
Ganesha Glow
Symbols of Life