Solidarity and Unity
Guardian Dragons
Stork with Lotus Blossoms
Garden of Love
Swallows Come Home
Happy Hummingbirds
Mighty Eagle Garuda
Dragon Couple
Angelic Zodiac
Festive Elephant
Elephant Couple
Flight of Calm
Pre-Historic Land
Brown Birds in Eden
Swallows in the Night
Ocean Queen
Birds on Winter Wood
Spring Violets
Verdant Spring
Song of Spring
Lionfish Merman
Hummingbirds and Flowers
Flaunting Peacock
Proud African Elephant
Basuki Dragon
Swan Glory
Eagle Eyes
Seahorse Couple
Single Seahorse
Amorous Geese
Proud Dragon
Mysterious Dragon
King Ghidorah
Turtle Duo
Mermaid Wonder
Hear Me Roar
Fire Dragon
Naga Duality
Maya Deer