Melon Hiss
Little Red Bull
Curious Cat in Teal
Zen Energy
Charming Harp
Festival Plumage
Agave Harvester
Constellation of the Sage
Striking Rooster
Impressive Rooster
Imposing Rooster
Abstract Fruits
Blooming Yellow
Kiwi Elysium
Change Colors
Oneiric Flight
Mysterious Laughter
Winged Fantasy
Lunar Trio
Rainbow Flair
Divine Axolotl
Altar of The Wise
Grey Salon
Ancestral Jaguar
Celestial Illusion
Dream Arrows
Kiwi Flutter
Jonquil Flutter
Carmine Flutter
Vibrant Cobalt
Multicolored Confetti
Fine Arrangement
Convenient Marble
Organized Elegance
Eris Pear
Mexican Pride
Courageous Manhood
Red Prickly Pear
Mexican Blooms
Colorful Musician
Burning Sun
Flaming Moon
Calming Diamond
Stability Amulet
Elegance Amulet
The Catrin
The Lady
Mexican Rivers
Golden Cross
Multicolor Butterfly
Aztec Butterfly in Yellow
Aztec Butterfly in Fuchsia
Sun of Death
Sacred San Miguel's Heart
Great Tree of Life
Grey and Pink Challenge
Brown and Ivory Challenge
Grey and Ivory Challenge
Black and Grey Challenge
Colors of Happiness
Flowers of Happiness
Sunlit Flower
Rainbow Diamonds
Bright Bird Joy
Modern Semicircle
Medusa Gleam
Amber Harmony
Hearts of Nectar
Amber Passion
Earth's Whisper
On Nature's Wings
Agile Lizard
Purity and Elegance
Diamond Winds
Flowering Tradition
Artistic Moon
Chime Garland
Round Huichol
Maya Governor of Uaxactun
Metallic Horse
Guitar Glory
Mustachioed Skull
Skeleton Bride