Enigmatic Destiny
Queen Moonlight
Delightful Shine
Dragonflies at Daybreak
Batuan Harmony
Moonlight Shade
Ganesha Blessing
Moonlit Dance in Black
Shining Shield in Red
Serenity Swirls in Brown
Floral Eye in Blue
Center Stage in Yellow
Celuk Petals
Deadly Charm
Moonlit Shadow
Light the Lantern
Lotus Lake in Green
Heartbroken Tears
Butterfly Park
Forest by the Blue Ocean
Angelic Song
All Knowing
Miana Leaves
Clouded Waters
Spring Grass
Peacock in Flight
Lady Warrior
Heart in Bloom
Blue Heart in Bloom
Blooming Heart
Rainforest Frog
Lady Butterfly
Butterfly in Jasmine
Floral Moon
Balinese Lord Ganesha
Regal Gianyar
Love's Arrow
Moon Phase Faces
Gianyar Grace
Glittering Snowflake
Silent Muse
Wreathed Beauty
Sunset Cascade
Soldier of Peace
Single Eye
Beautiful Guardian
Glittering Mystique
Padi Glisten
Elaborate Butterfly
Sky Catcher
Infinite White
Violet Beauty
Scarlet Beauty
Verdant Beauty
Angel Halo
Frangipani Secrets
Queen of Bali
Lavender Dragonfly
Iridescent Hope
Holy Lotus
Bali Garden
So in Love
Midnight Sky
Secret Love
Iridescent Flower
Midnight Owl
Ashoka's Beauty
Gleaming Monstera
Blue Dame
Loyal Tradition
Floral Lantern
Luxurious Aroma
Lovely Seahorse
Dear Younger Sister
Knighted Moon
Woman of the Wilderness
Kind Touch
Victorian Age
Dragonfly's Lantern
Floral Secret
Bali Moth in Red