Watchful Eagle
Bedugul Garden
Royal Dolphin
Mystical Sunflower
Mighty Purple
Center of Hope
Swirling Passion
Solitary Love
Bedugul Prince
Patterns of the World
Candi Flower
Floral Secret
Wayan Crown
Crest of Ganesha
Jeweled Knight
Indian Sugarplum
Wild Orchid
Young at Heart
Mystical Blooms
Rainbow Palette
Holy Trinity
Aurangabad Princess
Rainbow Dew
Om Chakra
Om Magnificence
Bouquet of Wisdom
Harmony Within
Fascinating Moon
Glittering Spirals
Regal Dazzle
Peaceful Crescent
Shimmering Harmony
Ganesha Chakra
Fascinating Egg
Sparkling Pinecone
Wellspring of Energy
Love's Arrow
Noble Serenity
Violet Beauty
Royal Romance
Queen of Bali
Lavender Dragonfly
Island Butterfly
Holy Lotus
Bali Garden
Bali Belle
Wise Ganesha
Wild Beauty
Silver Hawk
Light as a Feather
Violet Light
Mermaid Spell
Wise Reflection
Fusion of Gifts
Gracious Flower
Three of a Kind
Peppy in Purple
Lilac Delight
Violet Flower
Chakra Stones
Chakra Medallion
Chakra Cross
Twilight Enchantment
Spiritual Reflection
Violet Romance