Delightful Kites
Circular Sparkle
Gleaming Bloom
Gentle Tear
Gentle Tear in Green
Mystic Pools
Sunrise Princess
Ornate Curl
Dancing Frames
Corona Trees
Inner Radiance
Earthly Crown
Sword of Delhi
Nebulous Charm
Twilight Charm
Regal Air
Glam Green
Passion of the Sea
Innocent Reflections
Clarity Drops
Pearly Fortune
Shiny Vines
Heaven Sent
Tow the Line
Fancy Swirl
New Year
Sky Tree
Golden Rain
Cloud Busting
Spring Hope
Sun Sparkle
Scarlet Coil
Violet Buddha
Classic Duo
Pyramid Song
Intricate Twirl in Turquoise
Intricate Twirl in Crimson
Intricate Twirl in Purple
Leafy Cross
Sword Majesty
Sublime Dance
Fiery Chakra
Fragments of Truth
Diamond Inspiration
Flaming Leaf
Oneiric Leaf
Sparkles of Pink
Delicate Innocence
Classic Confidence
Chennai Stars
Golden Shimmer
Marshmallow and Lime