Lucky Four
Frangipani Path
Face of the Moon
Gorgeous Alliance
Multicolored Fusion
Math Class
Shimmering Union in Red
Shimmering Union in Yellow
Amusing Monkey
Dulcet Sunshine
Eye of India
Lily Twins
Aqua Bliss
Golden Aurora
Elite Green
Traditional Romantic
Rain Flowers
Glorious Marquise
Romantic Traditions
Octopus Friend
Buddha's Curls in Aqua
Blissful Balance in Blue
Twist Ending
Domed Royalty
Forgive Me
Winged Glory
Moonlight Bloom in Purple
Scarlet Leaves
Feathers of Wisdom
Loyalty Throne
Meet Cute
Bold and Blue
Lost in Bamboo
The Crimson Change
Pearly Coral
Modern Prism
Dark Appeal
Rattlesnake Roll
Free-Spirited Frog
Peacock Romance
Kuta Connection
Floral Glint
Ubud Frog
Falcon's Gaze
Princess Gem
Red Intellectual
Peacock on Parade
Brilliant Peacock
Majestic Touch
Spring Brilliance
Purple Brilliance
Ancient Motif
Slithering Snake
Shield of Life
Laut Princess
Serene Repose
Gleaming Temple
Elephant Grandeur
Swirling Shield
Rainbow Palace
Circle Shield
Ocean's Deity
Pink Moonlight
Heavenly Dove
Passionate Sunrise
Frangipani Butterfly
Worried Owl
Magical Union in Red
Nest of Lilies
Prosperity Drop
Wise Universe
Sunny Appeal
Charming Delight
Storm Queen
Sea Queen
Celestial City
Midnight Tree
Pretty Princess
Forever Pink
Hazy Night