Sacred White Lotus
Sunrise Spirit
Winter Whirl
Zigzag Wisdom
Luxurious Winds in Red
Enchanted Butterfly
Bali Dynasty
Harmony of Opposites
Twin Spirits
Pale Moonlight
Lovely Grey
Hibiscus Petals
Jungle Dew
Heart of Vines
Dove Couple
Lavender Pools
Peahen in Love
Rose Romance
Hummingbird Gift in Blue
Serene Light
Purple Boomerang
Flower Pendulum
Inspiring Lotus
Taking Wing
Wine and Roses
One Moonlit Night
Kindness is King
Lost Triangle
Purple Nobility
Morning Feathers
Wondrous Spring
Cross of Heaven
Jewel of Bali
Ripe Fruit
Bali Crest
Falcon's Eye
Plumeria Dew
Floral Paradise
Royal Heritage
Moon Prince
Secret Sunset
Sunset Crescent
Ocean's Nobility
Heavenly Trio
Elephant Grandeur
Bamboo Bliss
Gerhana Shrine
Balinese Aura
Marvelous Vintage
Daisy Glow
Frangipani Moon
Balinese Elegance
Joyous Jungle
Sleeping Princess
Misty Dew
Flight at Night
Crimson Dream
Blossom of Fire
Feather Love
Sacred Golden Lotus
First Day in Blue
White Knight
Mountaintop in White
Pretty Paradox
Golden Eagle
Spirit of the Moon
Bamboo Dreams
Golden Rainforest Frog
Dragon Guardian
Pirate's Jewel
Break of Day
Cosmic Creativity
Honeymoon Snake
Purple Enchantment
Dragonfly's Palace
Dragonfly Wish
Temple Base
Temple Creeper