Baule He Monkey
Baluba Dance Spirit II
Baule New Moon
Senufo Order
Senufo Men's Society
Youthful Spirit Dance
Red Baule Ram
Baule Ram
Guro Zamble I
Female Baule Fertility Mask
Male Baule Fertility Mask
Blessings and Peace
Guro Wise Man
Spirit that Flies
Kulango God of the Earth
Flying Spirit
Bravery of the Goat
Bird Protector
Compassion and Bravery
Protection and Blessings
Scorpion Vigil
Brave and Strong
Baule Gbekre II
Baule Gbekre I
Guro Elephant II
Guro Elephant I
Senufo Poro
Baule Queen
Brown Baule Ram
Baule Chieftain
Dan Protector
Senufo Kalao Bird
Baule She Monkey
Guro Rooster
Guro Horned Protector
Gentle Person
Guro Unity
Peaceful Guro
Ivoirian Avian Grace
Strength of the Elephant
Baule Harvest
Night Hunter Spirit
Woman's War Spirit
Spirit of War
Baule Indigo Moon
Queen Aura Poka
Yoari Moon
Kran Twins
Dan Comic
Baule Plea for Rain
Senufo Purification
Bridal Protection
Beautiful Marriage