Best Kiss
Javanese Vines
Balinese Cat
Hibiscus Bouquet
Melinjo Leaves
Frangipani Garland
Octopus Wonderland
Buddha's Lesson
Naga Duality
Spirit of the Wild Orchids
Autumn Song
Beautiful Legong Dancer
Trees of Life
Love Lotus
Sweet Balinese Hibiscus
Frangipani Summer
Lotus Life
In Three Directions
Water Lily Princess
Gift of the Gecko
Lady of the Lotus
Balinese Buddha
Surreal Hunter
Surreal Beauty
Emotional Duality
Kawung Skies
Sensuous Dreams
Life's Ups and Downs
Balinese Orchids
Yoga Circle of Love
Frangipani Flower Woman
Balinese Enigma
Sweet Frangipani Flowers
Woman of the Forest
Twin Mystique
Soul Embrace
Blossoming Smile
Silent Woman
Full Lotus Cat
Shy Maiden
Blossoming Woman
Bold Eagle
Asana Pose Yoga Frog
Tree Pose Yoga Cat
Toward the Sky Brown Yoga Cat
Nature's Truth
Mother and Her Child
How Do I Look?
Guardian Umbrella
Dancing Couple
Couple in Love
Flower of Dreams
Linking Hearts
Froggie Prayer
Tree Frog Meditates
Toward the Sky
Ginger Tabby Cat Wish
Bamboo Panda