Playful Plum
Ribbon of Sunshine
Cobalt Swirl
Hill Tribe Elephants
Moon Dream
White Arabesque Dewdrop
Singaraja Weave
Sparkling Dew
Frangipani Allure
Misty Javanese Forest
Love Moon
White Frangipani
Rushing River
Songkran Belle
Peace Within
Wine Garden
Bird of Paradise
Royal Java Blue
Royal Java Green
Heart Symphony
Three Full Moons
Two Full Moons
White-Eyed Lotus
Life Divine
Mixco Moon
Sixth Star
Maya Princess
White Lotus Bud
Cloud Twist
Dark Green Sacred Quetzal
Paradise Blooms
Filigree Love
Eternal Orchid
Filigree Teardrop
Nusa Dua Sunrise
River of Snow
Pink Frangipani
Nature's Moon
Pink Frangipani Trio
Khao Luang Belle
Sound of a Bell
Love Immemorial
Loving Heart
Azure Teardrop
Northern Dancers
Frangipani Butterfly
Sukhothai Belle
Harmonious Peace
Ya'ax Chich Colors
Maya Legend
Frangipani Bouquet
Royal Temple
One Heart
Tree of Destiny
Young Fern
Heavenly Gift
Cloud Forest
Sacred White Lotus
Sterling Contrasts
Blushing Rose
Trinity in White
Maya Zinnia
Dark Forest Moon
Lilac Love Immemorial
Secret Garden
Maya Queen
Paisley Shine
Ocean Summer
Frangipani Secrets
Cloud Serenade
Timeless Shine