Kawung Plains in Fuchsia
Forest Waves in Iris
Waves and Bubbles
Batik Magic
Island Allure
Color Harmony
Keraton Elegance in Ebony
Parang Puzzle
Truntum Star
Ceplok Beteng
Forest Waves in Tangerine
Parang World in Indigo
Azalea Truntum
Iris Sekar Jagad
Feminine Glam
Cheerful Floral Trio
Quiet Floral Trio
On the Island
Sweet Night Blossoms
Red Modern Art
Golden Lotus Floral
Red Lotus Floral
Emerald Garden
Bogor Lady
Jakarta Lady
Scarlet Lily
Blue Sarangan
Pink Fantasy
Brave Java
Blue Floral Stars
Sapphire Mums
Budding Jasmine